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Life events

We are here to help you celebrate happy occasions and to provide comfort and support when it is needed.


See below more information on various life events and ceremonies that form part of all our lives and how we can be a part of your special occasion.


Please don't hesitate to contact us, if you need further information about a celebration, using the details at the bottom of the page.

Baby Baptism Ceremony

Baptism and Christening

What better way to celebrate new life than to come to Church for a Baptism.  Whether you’re bringing a child for a Christening or decided that now is the time when you’d like to mark the start of your journey of faith, Baptism is the once in a life time celebration of God’s love for his children.


Many people choose to celebrate their baptism as part of the main Sunday service, but where that’s not feasible, we can make alterative arrangements.


If you think Baptism or Christening might be for you, then please do get in touch using the contact details below to discuss the options.


Confirmation is the time when we invite God to work in our lives through his Holy Spirit.


It might be that you were Christened as a baby and now want to take responsibility for your own faith, or it may be that christened or not, God is calling you into his service.


Confirmation is a once in a lifetime opportunity to offer ourselves in God’s service and we usually meet together several times to discuss our faith and where it may be taking us before going up to Salisbury Cathedral for a spectacular service led by the Bishop.


Do get in touch to talk about the options and explore your faith further – there’s no normal age for Confirmation, although candidates should be old enough that it is their decision.

Image by Ben White
Image by Jamie Coupaud


Marriage is one of the greatest adventures open to us and what better place to have your wedding than in one of our churches where people have been coming for centuries to ask for God’s blessing on their new life together?


Church is a living body of people and not just a venue. This means that after all the festivities are over we will still be here to welcome you, support you and pray for you.


We pray for couples getting married as their wedding approaches and we also have an annual celebration on the Sunday nearest Valentine’s Day.


Whether or not either of you currently live in one of our parishes, or have been married previously, we will explain your options and the possible routes for having your wedding here.


 Funerals are taken both in our churches and in local crematoria.  If you’re loved one had a link with our parishes, please do get in touch to discuss the options. Our pastoral care and skills ensure that the funeral itself is a fitting tribute and that you are supported through the preparations for the service and that weeks and months that follow.


We also often meet with people who would like to make arrangements for their own funeral, helping support them and the wider family as they come to terms with their own death and helping people to understand their options when it comes to saying goodbye.


Every funeral is slightly different and reflects the person being mourned and those who gather to mourn them – we’re always ready to work with you to create a fitting service.

Flower Arrangement
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